Julio Licinio is the Founding and Current Editor-in-Chief of highly respected and internationally acclaimed scientific publications, Molecular Psychiatry, The Pharmacogenomics Journal, and Translational Psychiatry.

Throughout his career, Julio Licinio has solidified his status as an esteemed researcher of studies in psychiatry. As the Editor-in-Chief of various scientific literature publications, distributed by Springer Nature, Licinio accomplishes one of his primary responsibilities as a researcher: to inform the masses of the latest up-to-date information in the field of psychiatry.
Macmillan Publishers — Springer Nature
Molecular Psychiatry
In 1996, Julio Licinio became the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Molecular Psychiatry, a role he continues to maintain today. Thus far, the scientific literature publication has been responsible for publishing 31 articles by 8 Nobel laureates. Licinio is honored to have edited and contributed to the publication of these articles. Having signed on with Springer Nature’s Molecular Psychiatry from the very beginning, the Editor-in-Chief has had the privilege of directly impacting the growth of the publication. Since its inception more than two decades ago, the periodical has earned significant esteem, with an impact factor of 12.384 as of 2019. According to Journal Citation Reports (JCR) ranking, Molecular Psychiatry maintains the following standing in scientific literature publications:
- 6th (out of 155) in Psychiatry — 1st (out of 140) from 2009 – 2014
- 10th (out of 271) in Neuroscience
- 11th (out of 297) in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
In just 13 years, Julio Licinio propelled Molecular Psychiatry from non-existent to ranking as the Number 1 psychiatry journal published worldwide.
Julio Licinio is incredibly proud to have directly contributed to Molecular Psychiatry for nearly three decades. He regards his responsibilities as Editor-in-Chief of the Springer Nature publications, Molecular Psychiatry, The Pharmacogenomics Journal, and Translational Psychiatry as incredibly fulfilling both professionally and personally. Passionate about these scientific publications, Licinio is ecstatic to have had the opportunity to impact the psychiatry field through the information and research spread by articles and studies he has had the opportunity to edit and publish.