Even though restrictions around the world have ended and life is returning back to normal, society will have to deal with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic for a long time to come. One of the side effects of the last couple of years is something known as pandemic burnout, which has taken a tole […]
Mental Health Impact of the Pandemic
It is safe to say that the world has not been the same since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. What we all thought would be a few weeks of lockdown turned into a crisis that still has not ended. Even though restrictions have eased and the world is slowly getting back to something resembling […]
October 10 is World Mental Health Day
Since 1992, October 10th has been internationally recognized as World Mental Health Day. Aiming to raise awareness through education and advocacy, this holiday highlights the universal issue of mental health. As a professional in the field of psychiatry, Julio Licinio is proud of World Mental Health Day’s efforts to educate the public about psychological well-being. […]