Psychology is a huge field that researchers are always learning more about. There is a lot we don’t yet understand about the human mind and what causes us to behave the way we do. The field as we know it today has only been around for a little over one hundred years, so there are […]
How To Exercise For Your Mental Health
We have all heard a million times how important exercise is for our physical health, but what about our mental well-being? The connection between the mind and body is very strong, and exercise has been shown to be a huge factor in taking care of our mental health. As a physician leader, scientist, and […]
3 Mental Health Tips For Working From Home
The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns forced many people around the world to work from home if they could. Since we have come out of lockdown, many companies have continued this work-from-home model. There are many benefits to working from home, including increased flexibility and no commute time. It also comes with its set of challenges, […]
4 Meditation Tips For Beginners
Starting a regular meditation practice is an amazing way to boost your mental health and calm your mind. Many people swear by meditation, but for a beginner, it can be difficult to start. Many people have this idea that you have to meditate for hours while having zero thoughts, otherwise, you’re doing it wrong. […]
3 Benefits Of Meditation For Mental Health
It is a great thing that people today are much more aware of mental health. We now have so many tools at our disposal to improve mental health, including medititation. Meditation is a practice that involves focused attention. Many people think they can’t do it because they can’t totally quiet their mind – but actually, […]